

About Grace


I’m Grace Knight, a creative and designer with a love for biology.

Long story short: I thought I wanted to become a Scientist. I realized I didn’t want to test for a problem ie/pollution— I knew it was there. I was fixated on the solution, the design opportunity. To this day I am still driven by the question:
“…So what are we going to DO about it?”

This is where my passion lies—design for the environment.

I believe:
If you design for nature, you’re designing for all.
In success through cooperation, not competition.
If you observe and speculate, you’re a scientist.
In being a forever student and teaching yourself.
Nature has all the answers, we just have to look hard and listen.
Everyone has the power and the responsibility to invoke positive change.

9-5: Brand Manager / Creative Designer at Ecovative


5-9: Artist + Maker